When to pick corn


Golden Chicken
Fresh-picked corn tastes much better than grocery store corn. It is advisable to harvest when the ears at the peak of perfection. We usually pick corn 20 days after the first silk appears. Again, corn is best harvested early in the morning.

The Back 40

Farm Hand
When the silk just starts to turn brown. I was told this by a field supervisor one year when I was about 14. There was crew of us out there to harvest their crop by hand. She told us this was more a rule of thumb than a law set in stone. But all these years later, I'm sure it still applies.


Golden Chicken
Yes, at harvest time, the silk turns brown, but the husks remain green. Also, there should be at least one ear near the top. At other times, you may get another ear down the stalk. These lower ears mature later than the others at the top and are usually smaller in size.