Wild flower beds


Golden Chicken
We help other people with their flower beds. Ours are beautiful. One of our neighbors asked us to help them plan and then plant and take care of their beds. I'm excited because we thought about offering this service for a fee in the future. I've been working with them for a week now, planning. Wish me luck!

Smarty Plants

Farm Hand
I hope it works out for you, Desi! What a fun thing to offer as a service. You know, you could offer a base service, but you can also offer upgrades that will cost a bit more like a specialty flower bed. Something like, wildflowers that attract pollinators and birds, wildflowers that will bloom in the fall, wildflowers that deter deer, and wildflowers native to the state you're in. You could have so much fun with it.


Farm Hand
Wow, what a fun adventure! How did you decide to do this? I love those ideas too Smarty. We could use some gardens that deter deer. I would plant those flowers around all of our corn fields!


Farm Hand
That does sound like a great new adventure. Do you have any help, I imagine it will be a lot of work (planting, weeding, etc.)? I bet my wife would love to plan new beds from scratch. Good luck!