Combines Yield monitors


Ed, Agleader made the CaseIH monitor. Still does except the display is different. I'm told the sensors are made by another company for Ag leader. Agleader services the CaseIH monitors but you have to carry it into a CaseIH dealer to send it in. The auger-mount moisture sensor is the same on the sidemount. You just need the upgrade kit. There are calibration n on the moisture sensor and mass flow sensor they need to be entered in the monitor. If you e-mail Agleader they can give the info you need. Ask about a chip upgrade if you have a monitor. www.agleader.com_support-team.htm


Do you mean one could update from the auger mount moisture sensor to the elevator oneIJ Are they expensive to buy and or installIJ I called Agleader once and they refused to talk about the Case units altogether. I have no idea where to get help for a Case one. Since most of my grain goes to an elevator, a $2 pencil and notepad will give me yield information that needs no correction or calibration. It just has no (expensiveIJ) option of ever making yield maps. These I would like to have but am not sure how to get there from here.


I started making yield maps this year with the original AFS monitor (black box with actual buttons to press)that was already in our 2388 when we bought it. It was made by Ag leader. To make maps, we bought the EZ-Guide GPS unit (we use it for guidance when spraying too). The GPS part hooks to the AFS with the right wiring adapter. That was the easy part. Getting the right memory card for logging data was hard (and expensive). The newer monitors use more common types of memory cards, but the original AFS the I have uses SRAM memory which is uncommon and very expensive. I found a 4 MB card (holds about 200 hours of data at 2 second loggin interval) in the States (I'm in Canada) for C$400. I logged my whole harvest onto the card. I didn't need a card reader as my buddy has a laptop with a PCMCIA slot in it. The part I am still working on is to find decent and affordable yield map software to use. I can't make the really old version of Case's Instant Yield Map work, nor Ag leader old Quick Yield program, but I downloaded a trial of Ag leader's SMS program and it made some maps for me! I was told Case has a new version of the Instant Yield Map program coming out in the new year that is supposed to be easier to use and half the price. There are obviously other ways to make maps, so before you jump in, ask lots of questions of dealers, ag show people and farmers with experience in it. My combine (a '98) has the auger mounted moisture sensor. Is the elevator one betterIJ Gook luck...


Thanks for the comments. let me know how you make out with software, please. My local computer store priced PCMCIA cards at 36$ CDN for a 32 meg card. I have a laptop with a card slot so software and a receiver is limiting. But... I feel this stuff is worth a few hundred not several thousand $$. Our auger moisture sensor mostly reads incorrectly. I think the problem is it is too sensetive to soil. Noticed it went goofy the other day (after working well for a week or more) just after I jammed a bunch of wet soil into one of the corn rows. PS I am near Stayner Ont.


Hi Ed I was close to buying a red Combine a couple of years ago which had the CIH yield monitor (Agleader 2000 based) in it. The Dealer was going to keep the monitor and I was going to put the Agleader 3000 in it with the exsisting sensor. Pete


One of the advantages of a newer style yield monitor is that it uses more common types of memory like Flash or others. My old style uses SRAM and ONlY SRAM, and it is uncommon and expensive (I found out after I bought the GPS). like I said, ask lOTS of questions before you buy.... Feel free to email me if you have other questions or concerns. I'm in Manitoba.


Ed, Contact http:__www.envoydata.com_index.htm they can help you determine_supply the card you need. They also sell card readers. I suggest the outboard type (hooks up like a mouse). I have two old case cards that worked in the first case yield monitors in my drawer. If interested send your e-mail. The problem with auger moisture sampling is the fines clog it up. Side mount takes grain from the upside (on the elevator) and augers it to the down side. The sensor is inverted and no fines set on it. There is a little 4" auger in the side mount. Uses the same sensor that is under your auger now. I'll e-mail my dealer and get part ns for ya.


Agleader would be the most versatile also more expensive. You can use it for fertalizer and seeding applications and it is a pretty acurate guide with the light bar or if you are intrested in variable rate after you get the yeild maps from the previous harvest. Only big problems I ever heard of is if there are many of them running in one area and they are running off the towere instead of the satelites there will be problems with them logging the data correctly. like several combines running in one field. It is not very common though. After you get all of the software and equipment to install it in your machinery it will probably be a cool 10,000gs. Case is cheaper but I don't know anything about them or there capabilities.


Agleader is by far a better product with better support! A full blown system will not run $10,000.


Red Green,A basic yield monitor consist of 6 parts; 1-display 2-keypad 3-card reader_writer 4-computer (brain) 5-temp_moisture sensor 6-mass-flow sensor. Agleader combines 1,2,3,4 together they obtain from a third source 5,6. CNH has their own 1,2,3,4 but obtain another 4,5,6 from Agleader to make their system work. To add Gps (mapping)Trimble supplies "both" CNH and Agleader with an Antenna and a Receiver Trimble and Agleader both have excellent customer support. They do not give customer support on the CNH units. Accuracy changes daily depending on variety. I would highly recommend a sidemount for the moisture sensor. Good luck