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  1. The Back 40

    RIP to My Tundra

    I had a Ford Ranger once with a modified Chevy engine. The old girl had an identity crisis so I called her Miss Understood. ? But seriously, 370k miles is impressive.
  2. The Back 40

    Duck Kidnapping

    Sounds like something Florida Man would do. "Florida man found with duck he stole to support his "quack" habit. LOL It's a sad state of affairs these days, I'll tell ya.
  3. The Back 40

    Cows getting out

    Nope, never had one. Seen plenty over the years that belonged other owners grazing right off the road though. It's a bit jarring to see when you're just getting out of turn into a straight patch of road and you see 1 or 5 all of a sudden
  4. The Back 40

    Tiny egg

    Just like a tiny egg, in that it's a one off. It would be more fun to speculate that Dupont is to blame for dumping their waste in the nearby creek, but the truth is, more times than not, simple and boring.
  5. The Back 40

    Poll: What are you focusing on improving on your farm?

    Soil health is something I need to keep on top of where I live. The soil here has a reputation of not being healthy enough to sustain crops without help. You have to say on top of it.
  6. The Back 40

    Tiny egg

    Stranger things have happened. The cowbird I mean. It could be the stress from the noise that machinery makes. It's most certainly something to keep your eye on.
  7. The Back 40

    Before Pesticides

    Way back in the day, hundreds of years ago, people planted crops all the time for food. How do think they kept away all the pests that would ruin their plants, without the help of the chemicals we have now?
  8. The Back 40

    Killing Weeds With Lasers

    There is a new robot some people are working on that will be able to kill weeds with lasers, drastically changing the game if this comes to light. New Tech. Would you buy one? I sure would.
  9. The Back 40

    The frequency of soil testing

    I did this years ago, and it didn't seem to do much good. Then again, it was my first time doing it. It is a very precise process, to be sure.
  10. The Back 40

    Pandemic EBT - Summer 2021 | Hear What They’re Saying

    On the obvious hand, this is a good thing. Feed our children that need help. On the other hand, just how much of our lives is the government going to keep paying for?
  11. The Back 40

    Check That Sump Pump

    Just a friendly reminder...........this is the time of year that you want to check the condition of your sump pump to make sure it's in good working order. It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. What else on your farm needs to be checked?
  12. The Back 40

    White House Launches Drought Relief Working Group to Address Urgency of Western Water Crisis

    Floods in the east.......droughts in the west. Let me make this simple for them: Take the Army Corps of Engineers and formulate a plan to divert floodwaters from the east to drought areas in the west. This would mainly be used for irrigation purposes, but that would free up the resources for...
  13. The Back 40

    Learning From The Past

    Nothing that old, to answer your question. They go WAYYY back. I have learned that it's always best to fix equipment yourself. You are the one using it every day, so it's in your best interest to know it inside and out.
  14. The Back 40

    Launching Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate

    Looks like a bunch of talking to me. The time for that is long gone. It's time to take action. We have known about this for so long now, if we don't know what to actually DO, when will we?
  15. The Back 40

    Got Any Firearms?

    I was just curious as to what type of farmers in various regions have different types of firearms. I have a Winchester rifle, I have a personal plot for my own use and I live in the midwest.
  16. The Back 40

    USDA Boosts Food Assistance for Homeless Young Adults Seeking Refuge in Shelters

    How hard is it for emergency shelters to participate in CACFP? This is good news, but it's only as good as the number of shelters it can serve.
  17. The Back 40

    Pigs keep escaping

    I don't know how smart pigs are, but maybe after 1 or 2 electric shocks, they'll get the point. After that, you may not have to turn the electricity back on the fence until they forget what it can do again.
  18. The Back 40

    Fuse Box Or Extension Cords?

    I have a garage with just the shell of a fuse box put up, but I now need some electricity, not a lot, in there. Should I finish the fuse box or just run an extension cord from the house with a 3 way plug-in?
  19. The Back 40

    Politics Over The Virus

    Most people I know would rather hear daily briefings from professionals than from Trump. They know more than Trump ever will. The vaccines are starting to roll out more and more. This should be the beginning of the end of the worst.
  20. The Back 40

    Drama queens

    They do seem to be pretty tender farm animals, don't they. I've never raised goats, but I do see goat farms from time to time and the owners keep everything up.