Combines corn planting


Where aer you located atIJ I was extremely pleased to see it up to about 55 here in eastern south dakota yesterday! We still have some snow on the ground yet, but not much though. Two more weeks, barring any torential downpours, and we should be in the field.


We are located in southern Indiana .. Just 30 miles north of Kentucky .This is the earliest we have ever gotten sweetcorn out . But I still think we have some cold weather ahead .. Dad sprayed it SAT.So you live in big farm country IJ down here a big field is 100 acres !


Eastern SD is not necessarily big farm country. Central and Western SD, now that is a different story altogether. A normal field in that country is 80 - 160 acres. A big field is 640 acres and if you get just west of the capital Pierre, for about a 100 - 150 miles you will see fields that approach 1000 acres, that's big! Fairly common to see two or three 9400 JD or 9380 CaseIH tractors w_triples in the field pulling 60ft. chisel plows.


Too wet in New York to plant, havent even been able to start disking.


You guys should have a good crop this year The yard should be dry enough next week so the seed guy can get a truck here. Rain yesterday almost melted the last snowdrifts in open field areas. It will take a few more days to melt snow next to fence lines. We hope to start fieldwork sometime next month in southern Minnesota. Tom in MN


Here in Northwest Kansas we'll be starting Monday the 16th. last years corn stubble is to wet to do anything but the soybean ground is just about perfect for no-tilling corn into.


In SE Kan. we are done planting corn. It took 5 days to get out of the ground with highs near 90F degrees. nearly all of the millo is out of the ground and some soybeans will be up by Wed. or Thur. Huge storm came through last night and now there is a frost advisery for wednesday morning. Could be we all jumped the gun a little.


We had a little rain last night, not much, but they are saying it will be in the low 30's for next few days. May wish I had corn back in the bag, but it sure did plant good. Dry ground and I no-till, planted better than I can remember for a long time.