Combines Eratic reel speed


The box has a bunch of wires on the back, make sure they are all still in good shape, also, you can manually set the real speen to a single speed by adjusting a valve under the ladder platform above the left drive tire, this should help you get going, if that doesn't work, it may be that valve, otherwise you may have expensive electrical gremlins, they are the worst, good luck


Have you got a chaff spreader plumbed into that lineIJ I do, and it does make it somewhat erratic.


We do have a chaff spreader but this thing will start slowing down then completly stop. Been just a nusiance until the other day. While it was stopped the spreader stopped too. While messing with the head trash built up on the spreader and then pushed enough into machine to ----well you can guess the rest. So now I think it needs to be fixed.


We did check the wires and looked as though they had been chewed on. Nothing chewed into so taped them up hoping that would cure it but not! Do you know what kind of signal its supposed to be sending the valve and how does the valve respondIJ


Will look in my service manual concerning the rheostat.. readings etc and post back. Mike


I don't what kind of signals go into that black box, the thing works by sensing how fast you are going, so maybe you should look into the thing that tells it ground speed, also make sure drive pump belt is tight, and if your chaff spreader is not plumbed through the valve then you have a pump problem, if the chaff spreader always stopped when the reel stopped before now then that is not the problem,