Combines n6 grinding straw


We have 2 N6 combines and they still have factory style concaves in them. I have filler strips in all of the slots and I think if you had more it would help with the white caps and partial heads. our machines have always choped up the straw more than a conventional and I think this is the nature of them. I am interested in how your setup works because I`m thinking about upgradeing our machines to the sonnybrook concave and adding and stacking the helicals. Adding and stacking the helicals and replacing the reverse threshing bars with regular, I was told , would help get the straw out of the machine quicker without grinding it up as bad. I would like to know how this works! I have not heard of shrinking the rotor on the threshing end and was wondering what that is all about or how this would be done. your other settings are in the ballpark, we run a little less on the wind though.


I assume you have no chopper and have seperator helicals double stacked also. I would get rid of reverse bars but it may be the modified concave in them straw conditions. Good luck.


Okie, Definitely the reverse bars that are grinding the straw.If you are still running stock seperator stars and no seperator grate you will have to stack or shim seperator helicals.Also,keep in mind that you may have to install a flat 3_8" x 1" bar in the 6 o'clock position to help control any rotor loss if it develops.And like Blue said,"You may have to add filler bars until you acheive 100% thresh at the concave.Remember,you are threshing grain against grain,not grain against steel. Good luck, Hyper Harvest II