Combines R62 performance


Thanks for joining in and sharing the excitement. You wouldn't believe my fear when we started trading in the R50's for the larger R's and expected them to do X amount more. The R50's with the short rotor just worked a lot better out of the box than the long rotors. I was even wondering if conventional may be better. We were dynoing every machine and usually finding the power and torque backup should of been good enough to work fine but having a pump shop fine tune the pump would help give it the extra muscle to push it threw. The extra muscle did take its toll on the various drives which promted us to get to the root of the problems. I have promissed alot of guys that I would spread the word the best I can on these upgrades so I will keep at it. It's not hard to take a almost perfect Gleaner design and make it better yet. Thanks again for joining in and spreading the word. Dan


I don't know if you have ever been around a stripper header or not so please forgive me if I get too basic. The 922 is a 22' header put out by Gleaner. It is commonly known as the Massey stripper header. The only other one I am aware of is the Schelburn Renolds(spellingIJ) which is common to Deere. The stripper is used in wheat, rice and I think a few other things, but it strips the heads of wheat off the stalk leaving the stalk standing so you get a lot less trash thru your machine, increased speed!! It is a bigger help in wheat that is down, it will pull it up in the header due to the vacuum the stripper teeth create. The rice version has an extra roller in it to make sure the wet grain gets to the auger which makes the rice header a bit higher to purchase, but either one will work in wheat. Getting the farmer to spend the 20 to 30 thousand dollars (you will have to get price from dealer tbran, lbran, Dan) on a header when his platform will work is hard to do, but these headers are a long way ahead in down wheat. I hope this helps