Combines R65 electical issues


They are on the same fuse. The one marked gps or fieldstar. We couldn't get the gauge to work on ours when new and finally figured out that the fuse was missing. Don't think it got installed since we didn't have fieldstar in it. The gauge was reading a constant around 23% also if I remember right. Hope this helps.


Without having a schematic handy I would highly doubt they share a currant feed. I'm thinking ground. If you look carefully I think you can see a common ground area to top left corner of fuse area. Up high on corner post. Wiggle the wires there and see if you can get it to act up. Hopefully you can get it to act up so you can pin point before tightening anything up.


Sorry minorfarmer, What's the chance we were both posting at same time. Thanks for info I wouldn't of guessed they would of shared a fuse


I had a problem like this on our R75. First the Gta screen would start flickering then the whole combine would quit. Found wires back under the engine that were getting rub through.