USDA Invests $1.6 Million in Broadband for Rural Arizona Communities


Golden Scarecrow
Staff member
Top Poster Of Month
GOLDEN VALLEY, Ariz., Jan. 29, 2020 – Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Arizona State Director Jack R. Smith announced USDA has invested $1.6 million in a high-speed broadband infrastructure project that will create or improve rural e-Connectivity for 1,492 rural households, 27 pre-subscribed businesses, six educational facilities, four pre-subscribed farms, three critical community facilities and a health care center.

Click here to read the full story.
Kyle M

Kyle M

Farm Hand
Golden Valley needs it. Trust me. I have a cousin out there and he works over in the Chloride area (Yes, that's an actual name of a settlement in Arizona) and he says that area of Arizona is in dire need of this.

Good to hear it's coming.