Combines combine and road rage


No they dont if someone would put a survey in the big cities, I think they would say the grocery store or liqour store. Some have never even seen a cow. my opinion Justin


Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey that I know of. There was an article in the Wichita paper about a year ago talking about this. Fortunately, we have not had to experience this first hand.


We actually gave up about 60 acres that was inside the city limits of Wichita because of the difficulty in moving equipment. We were moving at 5:00 in the morning or Midnight. Finally, there was an incident moving the tractor and offset and we said "enough". It was tough to give it up because we were getting 100%. The landowner saved so much in property taxes by having the ground reclassified from Commercial to Agricultural that he just let us farm it and take it all. That was three years ago and he hasn't been able to find anyone else to farm it.


We live near a small rural town, pop. 2,500. A couple years ago I had a woman tell me that farmer's weren't needed, that you could buy eveything you need at the grocery store. I have read this article on several other boards and this is the first sensible discussion I have read. be safe, boog


I can EASIlY see that happening, and I'm suprised we don't hear of a whole lot more cases like this. People out there just don't realize the size of the equipment we're running - all they can think about is getting on their way as fast as possible. We live on a fairly busy county hiway and have had several encounters with people doing insane things around our equipment. So far, no accidents. But I cannot help but think that sooner or later there will be. Tom langan


It seems it gets a little worse each year. We live in a fairly agricultural community and I have to get to one farm through a town of about 1,000 population that has a busy state highway through it. I wait until it is clear enough to go but eventually before you get through town I will meet someone and have people following me. It used to be motorists would slow down and get over but not so much anymore. There are places where I have to be a little over the center line because of cars parked along the side of the street. I have seen cars comming at me and I'm wondering if they see me. I don't know how they can't see something 5 times larger than they are, but...I suppose they think I can get over further but I can't! I have practically stopped a couple of times waiting for the accident. So far, no BANG! But only a matter of time.


Ok so it's obvious to me that we've all had instances of road rage directed at us at one point or another, some worse then others. But honestly, doesn't anyone have an issue with the fact that a loaded 9mm pistol was pulled during the incidentIJ The irate motorist could have been killed, or even the farmer.


If someone came into my cab in a threatening way, I would use anything at my disposal to defend myself. Perhaps, not a gun, but I always have a few tools in the cab. I have a beautiful wife and 6 children to provide for and if it comes down to a choice between an ill-tempered person threatening me and myself, I will do whatever it takes so that I will go home tonight and be with my family. You never know what you are facing in people that you aren't familiar with. One of my best friends is a policeman and we were discussing carrying guns in vehicles. He told me that he AlWAYS assumes that farmers carry guns in their pickups. Not because they're bad people, but because they tend to be hunters and own them. Pulling a gun on someone should mean that the situation warrants it. When you show a weapon that you had better be prepared to use it, or the other person will take it and use it on you. It's sad to see that our world has come to this level of rage, but as I said, one needs to be able to protect himself. Just another point. Farmers tend to be a little stronger than others. That guy that came into the cab must have been really worked up to think he was going to come out on top of the fight.


I am not surprised to hear a story like this. Farmers won't even slow down, when they pass other farmers operating equipment on roadways. Neighbours don't wave to one another anymore. The world is indeed becoming a fun place! Everybody spending their time seeking the almighty buck I guess. Slow down people and smell the roses.


The gun was in a holster laying in his lap and he is 70 years old. You live in CANADA we don't!! You must not be familar with methamphetamine. It is a big problem in rural areas of the US. One of the main ingredients is anhydrous and where do you think they get it.These people are crazy.