Combines New CombinesIJIJ


We have the new style concave adjustment in our combine. I installed and it was pretty simple. I think it could be installed in any of the 62 or 72 series combines. The only thing extra you would have to do is install your own wiring harness and find a place for the switch in the dash. I am going to be installing one in our 94 model R62 this winter. I have looked at our new combine and everthing is the same other than there is no wiring for the system, but running the wires shouldn't be to difficult.


I have always said when they went to painting them they should have changed the n. That would have been as good a time as any.


I think Gleaner has the best cab of any combine and see no reason to change it unless they actually could make it better somehow. I think the controls are placed good as well. And I agree about the hydro handle, leave it alone


I would like to see the fit and finish of the cab interior improved a bit. The plastic seems thin and the fit isn't the best in places. If they could improve this to the same specs as Genesis cab interiors, they would really have something. Genesis cab interiors are VERY solid and well put together - the best I've seen of any late model equipment. Also, the air conditioning on our '93 is lackluster compared to the R50 we had. Not to where a guy starts to sweat, but the 50 cab could freeze a side of beef in there! My brother is a reefer repair guy and says it's charged to specs. I understand that was an improvement in later models so maybe it's corrected now. I REAllY like the solar glass - don't wish for that to go at all, but would like to see a rounded, wraparound, front window rather than the square corners. Tom langan


gee tom i thought you guys used the heater more than the cold air but i agree with you %100 about the older gleaners cooling far better. australian summers really test out the 72's air-con. john


Believe it or not, we use the heater very little - even here on the frozen tundra. It seems these cabs make very good use of the greenhouse effect so even on cool fall days, we don't need the heater. I'd say, if the sun is out, we don't use the heater until it gets down to 30F. Also, we have found that shutting those valves off where the heater hoses attach to the engine to prevent hot water flowing to the cab will make the air-conditioning work better. We do this with all our cabs - makes a world of difference! The greenhouse effect is also why I really like the solar glass - it keeps the cab a lot cooler if the combine sits in the sun for awhile. The R50 cab would cook you until the air conditioning cooled things off. It also is 1000% better at reducing the glare from the lights at night. Couldn't believe that we could actually SEE the reel cutting beans at night this last fall! VERY NICE! Tom langan